Bond Cleaning Expert Cleaning Tips A Comprehensive Guide To Break Your End Of Lease

A Comprehensive Guide To Break Your End Of Lease

A Comprehensive Guide To Break Your End Of Lease

If you live in a rental property, you must have signed the rental bond with the landlord, which is a legal process. You agree to all the terms and conditions after signing the bond. It is not only for the landlords to maintain the smooth running of the tenancy period. But you can leave the property if you don’t get the environment to stay like. You may get fed up with domestic violence, hardships, etc. You can be charged the compensation fee if you end it without any grounds.

So, here is a comprehensive guide to help you comprehend the procedure and break a lease without any conflict. According to Bond Cleaning Services Gold Coast, we have collected major points that lead to completing your guide to break your end-of-lease agreement with your tenants to avoid any dispute.

What Are the Tips to Break Your End-Of-Lease Agreement with Ease?

Your landlord has various terms and conditions at the end of the tenancy period. Bond Cleaners Labrador says that you need to ensure perfect home cleaning before leaving the property which is a part of your tenancy period.

Know your lease agreement: You must be aware of the lease agreement and its consequences. There are two types of agreement- fixed or periodic. Under periodic terms, you can end your tenancy period by informing the landlord two weeks before doing so. In the fixed agreement, you must pay the pre-established rent for a certain amount even after the termination.

Know the Compensation Cost: Residents who end their tenancy period early may be needed to pay damages to the owner. If you don’t return the landlord for their damages, you may be named on a blacklist. There are various grounds why you can be listed in tenant databases that are blacklisted. You need to pay beyond the rental amount. If you violate the lease terms, the court can end the tenancy.

You are responsible for repaying the property owner for the loss of rent your owner will bear when you end the tenancy period; Property lessors can claim the expenses of promoting the premises to see possible new residents; Some lease agreements might include a letting price from property managers or agencies for searching new residents. You are responsible for paying for that, too.

Legal Reasons to Break the Tenancy Period: There may be various reasons and it may vary from state to state. You need to know the legal reasons by which you can end your tenancy period.

  • Serious Problem: If you are unable to pay the rent due to a financial crisis then you can apply to the tribunal for an appeal to end your tenancy period.
  • Uninhabitable Premises: You can break a lease early if the property becomes unfit for living. You can end your tenancy period if you feel any sort of threat or danger like construction, electrical defaults, serious drainage problems, etc.
  • Violation of an Agreement by a Landlord: If your landlord violates your agreement, you have the right to end the agreement. According to the RTA guidelines, senseless entry to the property, unreasonable delays in repairs, failure in property upkeeping, unlawful rent additions, and excessive charges allow you to end your tenancy period.
  • Harassment and Abuse: If the owner causes severe damage to the property, hurts you, or verbally maltreats you, instantly quit the lease and complain to the tribunal.
  • Domestic violence: Residents can break a lease in domestic violence cases.

Notifying the landlord: Collect the reason for your end of tenancy and inform your tenant in the form of a written notice two weeks prior to the termination date. So, that they can find new tenants.

Bond Cleaning: When you sign the lease agreement, there is a condition set by the owner asking you to clean the property in the same manner as you got it when you first entered. This is called Bond Cleaning. You can hire a professional for bond cleaning as if you can not maintain the house cleaning as per the owners’ demand, you may lose the security amount.

Mutual Agreement: Try to make a mutual deal to release you earlier from the tenancy period. You can also find new tenants to save your money.


It is not easy to end your tenancy period before the original ending date. You have to look into more than you think. In this blog, we have discussed various valid reasons that you can use to end your tenancy period. Before leaving just ensure your smooth bond cleaning service satisfies the owner and they do not keep your security back. Try to avoid any conflict and handle the situation calmly. You can get help from the tribunals if you are not getting your rights properly.