Bond Cleaning Expert Cleaning Tips Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Your Mirror

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Your Mirror

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Your Mirror

Cleaning mirrors seems an easy task, but is not, especially when it comes to bond cleaning. We try hard to clean the mirror, and then suddenly after cleaning it is left with streaks.

If you are using a cleaning solution then you are just wasting your money because you have the option of making a DIY solution which are eco-friendly too. Also, these chemicals can harm your body and skin so far.

To ensure the satisfaction of your bond cleaning inspection, you need to make your mirror sparkling clean.

An uncleaned mirror can ruin the reputation of your room. It is important to use the right tools and techniques to clean your mirrors and make them shine bright without leaving the streaks behind. You must avoid sharp objects to clean the mirror to avoid scratching.

You can use homemade stuff as mirrors are sensitive areas to clean. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the tips and tricks by the Best Bond Cleaning in Brisbane team to clean your mirror perfectly and make it streak-free.

How to Clean Your Mirror Like an Expert?

To clean your mirror like a pro, you must follow the tips and tricks given in this section.

Abrasive soaps and scents: The mirror cleaners we buy from the market contain sweet fragrances, dyes, and soap solvents. These chemical-based products are used to leave your mirror with a streak. Hence, do not buy products just for fragrance, it will turn splatters into foul streaks. Go for organic or DIY cleaning solutions, they are chemical-free and are more effective than market-based.

Dishwashing soap for smudges: To remove smudges, fingerprints, and grime on a mirror we can use dishwashing liquid mixed with hot water. It is the beginner cleaning process. Everyone can use this process, it is so easy. Dip a microfibre cloth into the solution and start cleaning the mirror, wipe it with the clean microfibre cloth to leave it streak-free.

White Vinegar for heavy stains: Stains like tough remains, ink residue, and oil splatters are difficult to remove from the mirror. You need an acidic solution to remove the tough stains. You can use vinegar, lukewarm water, dishwashing soap, a DIY cleaning oil, and a cleaning agent. Spray the solution on the mirror and clean it with a microfibre cloth in an S pattern. Go from upwards to downwards, and clean every corner of the mirror. Find Bond Cleaning Company to make your mirror streak-free cleaned.

Alcohol for water spots: If you have noticed, whenever we wash our hands, some water drops get splashed on the mirror. If we ignore them, they get dried up. Make a mixture of 1 bowl of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and alcohol. Damp a microfibre cloth into it and wipe the hard water stains.

Toothpaste: Squeeze a considerable amount of toothpaste in a bowl. Add two teaspoons of water, and mix it well to make a loose paste. Spread it across the mirror and keep it for around 30 minutes. Wipe it with a wet towel. Use a microfibre cloth to make the mirror streak-free.

Spot cleaning: Spot cleaning is the best option when it comes to removing oil stains, and gunk. Take a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Apply it on the stained surface and leave it for a couple of minutes. Wipe it off and dry it with a microfibre cloth to leave it streak-free and make it completely sports-free.

Rubber Squeeze: We often use newspapers to wipe the mirrors, but it leaves the ink prints behind which makes the mirror again uncleaned. We must clean the mirror with a rubber squeeze to remove all the stains, solvent residue, and excess water.

Buff dry: Buff drying process refers to cleaning the residual stains with the help of a microfibre cloth. Rub it gently as you know the mirror surface is quite sensitive.

Hire a professional: If you feel, you can’t take risk with the mirror cleaning as it may cause scratches or can even break it if you are not attentive, then we must hire a professional bond cleaner to make it happen for us perfectly without any damage and leave it streak-free to meet the demands of the landowners. Not only this, you can get help for the Best Rug Cleaning as well from professional cleaners.


Mirror cleaning is scary, what if you have spent hours cleaning it, and it is left with streaks, or what if it gets scratched during the cleaning? To make your task easier, we have mentioned some basic and effective mirror cleaning methods to clean your mirror without residue or scratches.

I hope this blog has helped you a lot in making your mirror cleaned properly without any hassle.